Well, Its another year had passed and a number of adventures had happened. Its now time to look back on some things that I was able to accomplish this year, before welcoming the 2014 with a bang!!
I was able to set foot on some of the major peak this year, Sicapoo, Tabayoc, Kibungan, Dulang and Kitanglad, and Mt Pulag.
In Sicapoo |
Early in my hiking career, I made peace with myself that I will not able to complete all the mountains listed in Pinoy mountaineer. I do not have the means and the time to be able to do that. I belong to the working class people with just two days per week off. With the little time and means I have, I will just try to set foot on the mountains which I deemed worthy with little means I have.
Mt Tabayoc Forest |
Having made peace with myself and accepted my state in life early on, save me from being envious of what other climbers have accomplished. And was able to save myself from feeling of want and unsatisfied desire and heartbreaks from not being able to climb all mountains in Pinoy Mountaineer's list.
Kibungan Circuit |
Some of them can do a hike every week, some of them was able to accomplished having to summit all 9/9 level of difficulty. Some was able to hike outside the country. And they are might proud of their accomplishment as you can see it on their facebook page. Sometimes I wonder what kind of work they are doing that they are able to climb multiple days at least once a month, or able to do overnight climb every week. Of course , that would be a different story if your a rich kid and have someone you can ask money for or and wait for your monthly or weekly allowance. In my case, I need to work hard and just wait for my salary and save for the climb. You see, all my climbs and gears came from working my asses in a BPO company.
Mt Dulang Dulang Summit |
This coming year, I am excited to be able to set foot in the island of Visaya for the first time and summit Mt Kanlaon and probably Madjaas this February.
Another year had passed, Another year will come. One thing for sure, I will still hike and just be contend with whatever I will accomplish this coming year.
And will be forever thankful to Almighy God for giving me the strength to accomplish my hearts desire.
To all my hiking friends : real and imagined. Happy New Year. More adventures for all of us..
Somewhere in the mossy forest of Mt Lumot |