For every hikers and trail runners , to have the right shoes is very important and crucial to finish the hike or the race with great satisfaction or dismay. To have just the regular cuts and bruises over the more painful blisters and dead nails.
Just purchase from Aktiv Trinoma
To find the right shoes that fits and feels comfortable is one thing and to find the shoes that will help you ascend and descend without landing in your butt is also another. For us, we are too attached to brand and some marketing advertisement, we most likely to purchase the most expensive shoes we can find hoping that it will help us with our goal, for some people especially the new or beginner hikers they used merrel- because they might read it on pinoy mountaineers. Cant blame them, for I have used merrell also on my first year of hiking, only to find out that the grips and traction is not enough for the muddy, roots and slippery trails that we have. For my second year of hiking I purchase Teva forge pro and just a few months, the columbia master of faster, they are much better than my Merrell, however Im still looking for something more. More grip over the slimy mud and rocks, wet leaves, loose soil, etc. Then I found out to my research the brand Inov-8 and I was in love with the model rocklite 295.

The model itself says it was only 295 grams and what I love more about the shoes is the outsole. If you check the lugs was deep and evenly space so that it can grip even the muddiest trail you can imagine. It also have a glow in the dark lining for added visibility.
I have used this shoes for some of the most unforgiving mountain terrain, to the deep forest of Mt Talomo to the rocks of Mt Apo. To the wet and wild trails of Mt Kalatungan, Dulang Dulang , Kitanglad, Mt Lumot, Sicapoo, and most recently in Mount Halcon.
Taken from Dulang Dulang Summit
Taken from dulangan river of Mt Halcon |
I higly recommend this shoes for beginners and veterans alike whose looking to have a comfortable and solid footing in mountains trail here.
Just hoping you can stil find the same models, because Inov-8 just release a new update version of the rocklite 295.
If the only trail you run and hike is just miyamit and nuvali - I suggest you get out more..The trail there is just easy you can hike and run there with just your regular running shoes.
I love the brand so much that I have 3 Inov 8 shoes. The rocklite 295, the trailroc 255 and the road shoes roadxtreme 208.
Rocklite 255 just out of the box
At the summit of Mt Kanlaon
Road Xtreme 208 |
What shoes are you using?