So choosing what you wear and what you bring on your next trip is very important. Some gear can be purchase second hand or trough a ukay store, however some should be purchase new. Your investment in your gear can go a long long way and will surely give you a peace of mind for what ever nature drops at you.
Shoes - This is the most important gear for beginner hiker, trail runner, or backpacker. You will spend more time walking, hiking or running, so having the right shoes that fits and grips should be your first priority. Yeah, sandals might work for an ideal situation, however for those rocky and muddy trails, some wet roots and grass a nice pair of shoes will give your feet a nice defense against the beatings of the trail. Technically, your shoes is bringing you to your choice destination.
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My Favorite shoes of all time |
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Osprey Exos 38 |
What do you usually bring in your dayhikes ? Set of clothes for return trip, trail foods, headlamp, cap and shades, umbrella or poncho. Normally you dont need a big stuff for this classification.
Overnight and Multi day hikes - Gone are the days that hikers carry a pack that goes way above their head. Yes, we can still see those what you called hardcores and attention grabber, but if your wise enough and know what your doing, you dont really need 60 liters above for an overnight even for a week climb. It all boils down to what you carry , your choice of available gears and of course your team work. Even though you want to appear and looks tough by being self contained, You dont really need to carry your whole cabinet just to spend an overnight in Pulag, Ugo, Purgatory and most likely in Pico De loro, Batulao, and any nearby mountains.
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My different packs for different adventures |
Tent - this could be the most expensive gear that you might spend on. If your just a beginning your career as a hiker or backpacker, you can get away by sharing it with another persons who have a 2 person tent - there are only few hiker who have a one person tent by the way, so chances are you will have someone to shared it to. Just make sure that you are willing to share the load to. You and your partner can divide the tent , you can bring the poles and pegs, and your partner can bring the tent body and rain fly. Just make sure that you and your partner can hike on the same pace. Imagine if the rain and night catch you and you are far away from each other, You cannot pitch your tent and sheltered from the rain. You get the idea?
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At the aplaya campsite |
Water proof jacket or just plain old poncho ? - You decide, if you have a budget to spend. A water proof jacket will look good on the summit of Mt Pulag and Mt Apo. If you dont have money at the moment - Poncho will do the trick as well. Black trashbag is also a good alternative if your not too concern about how you look. Theres also a lot of second hand waterproof jacket on Ukay that you can find. Make sure you know the right materials to look and your fine.
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My outer shell |
So if your a regular and serious hiker you can start investing for the gear that help you summit the mountain tops you dreamed of.
If you are just a weekend warrior or just want to test the water before you venture to the unknown , you can start by just borrowing or sharing gears from other people.